daemonic 朗读
音标:英[\'di:mənɪk] 美[dɪ\'mɒnɪk]
- 1 . Desktop applications fit into four categories of posture: sovereign, transient, and daemonic .
- 桌面应用可以分为3种姿态, 即 独占 、 暂时和后台.
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- 2 . In many cases, users will not even be aware of the existence of the daemonic application.
- 很多情况下, 用户甚至意识不到后台应用程序的存在.
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- 3 . As you might expect, any discussion of the user interface of daemonic applications is necessarily short.
- 因为后台应用在后台运行, 因此关于后台应用的用户界面的讨论,其篇幅必然很短.
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- 4 . Daemonic icons should only be employed persistently if they provide continuous, useful status information.
- 只有会连续地提供有用状态信息的情况下,后台应用程序才应该一直使用图标.
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